Christopher Zenzel

How to Process Multiple Data Sources of Orders in C# without Causing a Backlog of Data

computer coding screengrab

Introduction Processing multiple data sources efficiently in C# is crucial to prevent a data backlog that can hinder business operations. As companies grow and their data inflows increase, the complexity of handling such data without causing delays becomes a significant challenge. This article will explore various strategies and technologies that help manage and process these […]

Bowling in Florence

Today I went bowling in Florence, South Carolina and my scores are still steadily improving. What I Brought With Me I brought my own bowling shoes since shoe rental is a costly expense while traveling. Throwing an extra pair of shoes in the car is way better than paying $4 to $5 per week in […]

A Comprehensive Exploration: Florence, SC

South Caroline State Line street sign

Florence, South Carolina, a city rich in history and culture, has undergone significant transformation since its incorporation in 1890. Strategically located at the intersection of two major railroads, it quickly became a pivotal commerce and transport hub in the region. Today, Florence is recognized for its diverse economic base, encompassing healthcare, manufacturing, and a growing […]

SOLID Development Principles

two women sitting beside table and talking

SOLID principles are pivotal for enhancing software development processes and improving the quality of software systems. Studies show that projects adhering to these principles reduce bug rates by up to 24% compared to those that do not. These guidelines help developers organize code in a way that makes it more maintainable, scalable, and robust. As […]

Using System.Linq to Convert a String to an Integer with Formatting

two women sitting beside table and talking

In C#, using the System.Linq namespace can be a helpful way to work with data, including strings and collections. If you have a string that includes numbers but is formatted with non-numeric characters (like spaces, commas, or other symbols) and you want to convert this string to an integer, you can efficiently filter out the […]

Creating a Singleton Class in C#

two women sitting beside table and talking

Creating a singleton class in C# involves making sure that only one instance of the class can exist throughout the lifetime of the application. Here are the steps to create a thread-safe singleton class in C#: Here’s an example of how to implement a thread-safe singleton class using the Lazy<T> type: How to Use You […]

Interview Questions about Azure Management API Calls

two women sitting beside table and talking

The Azure Management API is a collection of RESTful APIs that enable developers and administrators to programmatically manage their Azure resources and subscriptions. These API calls offer a powerful way to interact with Azure services, providing flexibility, automation, and integration capabilities across a diverse range of Azure resources. Here’s a description of some key aspects […]

What is the SOLID Development Principal?

two women sitting beside table and talking

The SOLID principle is a set of guidelines in object-oriented software development designed to improve the maintainability and scalability of software applications. These principles help developers reduce dependencies within the code, making it easier to manage and extend over time. Each letter in “SOLID” stands for a specific principle:

More SQL Interview Questions

two women sitting beside table and talking

What are the various relationship integrity errors you can have in SQL Server? In SQL Server, relationship integrity errors typically arise when data operations violate the integrity constraints set to enforce the relationships between tables. These constraints are crucial for maintaining accurate and consistent data within a relational database. Here are the main types of […]

More Xamarin Interview Questions

two women sitting beside table and talking

What is Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Pattern The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern is a design approach widely used in developing applications with Xamarin.Forms, aiming to separate the graphical user interface (GUI) from the business logic and data handling. This separation enhances maintainability, scalability, and testability, and it aligns well with the rich data binding capabilities of Xamarin.Forms. Here’s […]