Christopher Zenzel

Sarcastic Weather

Current Conditions

Weather Forecasts

Artificial Intelligence

Cloud Hosted Solution

It is okay to be allergic to carrots…

Have you ever wanted to build your own sarcastic weather bot, web site, or application? With the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud hosted infrastructure you can now obtain the same nutritional values of a carrot in your weather data.

About the technology

Using Generative AI you can now receive weather information tailored for your web site, application, and/or technology application (such as IoT devices) with a sarcastic delivery (or any set tone and language structure).

All weather information is downloaded, post processed via Generative AI, and cached to prevent multiple costly AI calls to deliver your users translated and generated information in a language or tone of your choice. 

Let the cloud be the book worm…

You don’t need some nasty (NSFW) Twitter account to tell you how to write a story about the weather! LOL!

Using several Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies let Christopher and teamWeather, a division of Christopher’s web site, help you give your users an edgy weather bot while saving your money for the actual veggies in the grocery store. 

Sorry for the non-sense. We have taken enough low blows to another popular online offering for sarcastic weather!







Brrr, would ya look at that? It’s freakin’ freezing out there, like 25 degrees Fahrenheit freezing! And to top it off, it’s snowing. Can you believe it? But hey, you know what makes this icy mess a bit more bearable? A nice, warm drink in hand. Yeah, I’m thinking something strong, toasty, and maybe with a little kick to it. Let’s make this cold weather a bit more tolerable, shall we?


Hark! The tempest doth rage without, wherefore the air doth chill as ice, measuring but twenty-five degrees in Fahrenheit’s cruel tongue, whilst the heavens shower down their snowy flakes in abundance. Oh, how the elements doth conspire against us, as if Nature herself hath taken umbrage! Yet, in the face of such adversity, we shall stand firm, for what matter the cold and snow to hearts ablaze with passion and resolve? Nay, let not the frosty breath of winter quell our spirits, but rather let us find warmth in the fellowship of kindred souls, and in the flame of our own indomitable will.


Oh, joy of joys! Would you look at that magnificent weather we’re blessed with today? A balmy 25 degrees Fahrenheit and a delightful sprinkle of snow to top it off. I can hardly contain my excitement! It’s not like I wanted to feel my toes today or anything. And who doesn’t love the feeling of tiny frozen pellets assaulting their face as they step outside, right? Absolutely dreamy. Just when I thought I couldn’t be any happier, Mother Nature surprises us yet again with her infinite generosity. Ah, what a time to be alive!


The current atmospheric conditions indicate a temperature of 25 degrees Fahrenheit, with precipitation in the form of snowfall. This meteorological phenomenon is consistent with the presence of moisture in the air at temperatures below the freezing point of water.

assorted-color umbrella lot under white clouds at daytime

Using Llama and Open AI GPT Models

GPT Model

Sarcastic Weather from Doylestown Airport, Pennsylvania

Oh, great news! It’s a scorching hot 53°F with a light breeze of 3 mph. Visibility is a whopping 10 miles because we all love seeing so far. The skies are clear, probably because we couldn’t handle any excitement today. Temperature is a toasty 53°F, dew point is a freezing 30°F, and the altimeter reading is 29.74 inHg. Just another thrilling day in the world of weather reporting.

Llama Uncensored

white robot near brown wall
Artificial Intelligence

Using Generative AI with Llama to Build Sarcastic Weather: Part 3

Let’s prepare to dive into a world of generating the sarcastic weather. Using your uncensored model that you loaded in Part 2, let’s begin to generate vulgar and sarcastic weather prompts with Llama.cpp. Creating the Prompt There are several ways you can create a prompt based on the sarcasm or

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white robot near brown wall
Artificial Intelligence

Using Generative AI with Llama to Build Sarcastic Weather: Part 2

Creating a sarcastic weather bot with Llama requires you to download an uncensored model with Hugging Face, but let’s first dive into exploring the differences between Censored and Uncensored models. Censorship vs Uncensored Most Generative AI solutions on the Internet, such as ChatGPT, require the use of Censorship to protect

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white robot near brown wall
Artificial Intelligence

Using Generative AI with Llama to Build Sarcastic Weather: Part 1

Welcome to this tutorial of building a weather bot to present Sarcastic Weather with Generative AI and Llama. In this multi-part tutorial we will cover everything from compiling and installing Llama to your local computer with an uncensored chat model, to the prompts to generate sarcastic weather information, to using

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