Christopher Zenzel




Objective: Deliver high quality technical solutions to positively impact daily living.

I am dedicated to delivering high-quality technical solutions designed to positively impact daily living. Through a focused approach on innovation and user-centric design, my goal is to create technologies that enhance efficiency, accessibility, and convenience in everyday tasks.

My work involves identifying challenges within daily routines and addressing them with precise, technological solutions. Whether through advanced software applications or smart hardware integrations, I aim to simplify complex processes and improve the quality of life for users.

By staying at the forefront of technology trends and applying best practices in design and development, I ensure that the solutions provided are not only effective but also sustainable and forward-thinking. This approach allows me to contribute significantly to making daily life more manageable and enjoyable for people.

In every project, I prioritize the user experience, ensuring that the technical solutions are intuitive, reliable, and easily integrated into daily life. By doing so, I bridge the gap between advanced technology and practical daily use, achieving a positive impact on the lives of individuals.

Overall, my commitment to excellence in technology is driven by a passion for making a tangible difference in people’s daily lives through innovative and high-quality technical solutions.


Upwork Top Rated Plus

“Your new Top Rated Plus badge tells prospective clients that you are part of the top 3% of talent on Upwork.”

cup of coffee near MacBook Pro


Hapbee Technologies

Software Engineer (Remote)

At Hapbee Technologies, I played a pivotal role in developing their inaugural Mobile Application using Microsoft .NET, C#, and Xamarin. This application featured robust communications with Bluetooth wearables powered by the Nordic Semiconductor’s chipset. My responsibilities included coding for large file transfers with concurrent processing, Secure DFU firmware updates, and basic I/O commands to interface with the device. This complex project required integrating multiple advanced technologies to ensure seamless device functionality and user interaction.

In addition to the mobile application, I was tasked with overseeing the establishment of an automated manufacturing line using Microsoft Windows 10/11 SDK and Microsoft .NET. This system was designed to streamline the programming, testing, production, and logistical processes involved in delivering devices to VIP customers, investors, and the end consumer. My role was critical in automating these processes to enhance efficiency and reduce human error, thereby increasing overall production output.

Furthermore, I was charged with the design and implementation of analytics and reporting tools using Microsoft Power BI Desktop and Web. I developed custom connectors and data gateways to facilitate the reporting of customer usage data. These reports were crucial for the executive team, providing them with detailed insights into user engagement and system performance. My work supported strategic decision-making and helped optimize business operations based on data-driven analytics.

Career Break (Disability)

Career Break (Disability)

During my career break, I dedicated myself to enhancing my technical skills and personal well-being. I focused on learning Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, particularly through projects on the Raspberry Pi platform. My projects included developing applications to read MagicBands from the Walt Disney World Resort using Microsoft .NET (C#), Windows IoT, and a RFID reader connected via GPIO pins. This endeavor not only sharpened my IoT skills but also expanded my expertise in integrating various technologies.

Additionally, this period allowed me to prioritize my health, which I balanced with my professional development. By integrating learning with personal care, I maintained a healthy routine, ensuring I could return to the workforce revitalized and up-to-date with industry advancements. This strategic use of time has greatly enhanced my capabilities in handling IoT devices and complex coding challenges, preparing me for new opportunities in technology-driven environments.

yellow and white trophy


Cycle Pay Laundry App

Cycle Pay, developed using Xamarin Forms, is a comprehensive mobile application designed to streamline laundry services for end-consumers and management companies alike. This app enabled users to operate laundry machines via Bluetooth LE, providing a seamless and modern laundry experience.

Additionally, it equipped management companies with the capability to perform coin audits on laundry machines. This feature was crucial for accurately tracking and managing revenue from coin collections, enhancing operational transparency and efficiency.

The application also supported mobile payments, accepting Apple Pay and Google Pay through the Vantiv payment gateway. This integration facilitated convenient and secure transactions, allowing users to maintain a virtual wallet at each management location for use in washing and drying clothes.

By merging payment processing, operational management, and user convenience into a single platform, Cycle Pay significantly improved the functionality and user experience of laundry services. This project not only enhanced customer satisfaction but also provided management companies with robust tools for business and financial management.

ESD Card

Fort Washington, Pennsylvania

Hapbee Manufacturing

Based on feedback from the C-Suite during our initial investor rounds and our Indiegogo campaign, it became evident that we needed to enhance our manufacturing process. Initially, due to stringent security requirements, the production time for a single device ranged between three to seven hours, involving Bluetooth capabilities and a custom Xamarin App.

To address this inefficiency, we implemented improvements using Microsoft Windows SDK, Microsoft .NET, and customized test and manufacturing hardware. These technological integrations significantly streamlined our manufacturing operations.

By December 2022, these strategic updates allowed us to reduce the manufacturing time dramatically to just 12 minutes per device, encompassing both programming and testing phases. This enhancement not only optimized our production process but also enabled us to meet the high-volume demands of our Indiegogo backers and investors more effectively.

This substantial reduction in manufacturing time significantly boosted our production capacity and operational efficiency, ensuring we could scale our output to meet investor expectations and market demands swiftly.

Hapbee Technologies


green and black circuit board

Other Experience

ECRI Institute

Software Engineer

I managed multiple pivotal projects and engineering domains, notably leading the migration of both a public and members website to SharePoint Portal Server. This transition was crucial for enhancing the accessibility and functionality of our digital platforms, aligning with modern web standards and user expectations.

Simultaneously, I spearheaded the introduction of mobile applications into the company’s technical ecosystem, utilizing Objective-C. This initiative expanded our service capabilities, allowing for more dynamic customer interactions and operational efficiencies through mobile technology.

In an effort to modernize our data reporting systems, I replaced an outdated Crystal Reports solution with SQL Server Reporting Services. This upgrade significantly improved the speed and flexibility of data reporting, enabling more sophisticated data analysis and decision-making processes.

Additionally, I oversaw the implementation of a Data Market using Microsoft SQL and Analysis Services. This project was instrumental in providing structured, actionable data across the company, facilitating better insights and strategic planning.

These initiatives not only advanced the technological infrastructure of the organization but also supported its strategic goals by enhancing data-driven decision-making and customer engagement through improved digital services.

Shriners Hospitals for Children

Software Engineer / Web Developer

I was responsible for the design and implementation of a Mobile Application that enhanced member experience for all Shriners temples. This application efficiently scanned Membership Cards containing QR Codes to access membership data from a centralized database. This role required a thorough understanding of database management and mobile application development, ensuring data was retrievable in real-time and securely.

In addition to application development, I played a crucial role in enhancing system security. I was tasked with identifying security vulnerabilities within the existing infrastructure and improving them through strategic code enhancements. My contributions significantly bolstered system integrity and user trust.

My involvement extended beyond immediate development tasks to contributing ideas for future technological advancements. I advocated for the integration of Docker to streamline application development and deployment processes. This initiative aimed to foster more robust and scalable application architectures, positioning the organization to leverage cutting-edge technology effectively. My efforts were pivotal in driving innovation and enhancing the technological framework of the organization.

ESD Card

Software Engineer

I led the development of a cutting-edge mobile application using Xamarin Forms, designed to modernize the operation of laundry machines. This application facilitated mobile payments through Apple Pay and Google/Android Pay, enabling users to control washers and dryers via a custom Bluetooth interface and a specially manufactured board. This role required a deep understanding of mobile payment systems and Bluetooth communication protocols.

Additionally, I designed and implemented features that allowed vendors to conduct coin audits on laundry machines. This functionality was crucial for laundry-mat managers to oversee coin collections by employees securely and efficiently, leveraging Bluetooth technology to ensure accuracy and ease of use.

My responsibilities also extended to the security aspects of mobile payments. I implemented decryption methods for Apple Pay and Google Pay tokenized payment processing, specifically for integration with the Vantiv payment gateway. These efforts were essential in maintaining high security and compliance standards, ensuring that all transactions were processed securely and effectively.

This project not only enhanced user convenience but also improved operational efficiency and security for laundry service providers. My role was instrumental in bridging technology with practical applications, driving forward the digital transformation of traditional laundry services.

shallow focus photography of books


Bucks County Community College

Associates of Arts

Information Sciences and Technology (IST)

Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School (PA Cyber)

High School Diploma

red and silver hand tool

Upwork Portfolio

Store Catalog with WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shoelace

Utilizing WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shoelace, I engineered a comprehensive web catalog, enriched with robust filtering capabilities and an exceptional user interface. Although still in development, my implementation of bespoke code seamlessly integrated with WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shoelace has transformed a basic catalog display into an extraordinary user experience.

This project started with the aim to create a straightforward yet efficient online catalog. However, through my innovative design and development, the platform’s functionality and aesthetic appeal have been greatly enhanced. The inclusion of advanced filtering capabilities enables users to navigate the catalog effortlessly, enhancing the shopping experience by streamlining product searches.

As the project progresses, I continue to refine the interface and functionalities, ensuring that all aspects of the user experience are optimized. My focus on ensuring seamless integration between existing systems and customized enhancements has been crucial to elevating the overall design.

This ongoing work not only showcases my technical skills but also highlights my commitment to creating user-centric digital environments. The evolution of this web catalog from its initial concept to its present state exemplifies the potential of merging standard tools with innovative custom solutions.

“Chris is amazing to work with – he is very smart, patient and solution oriented. 5 stars!”

Record Store Directory

Employing WordPress alongside meticulously crafted plugins and diverse data reservoirs, I crafted a global directory encompassing all record stores worldwide. This directory, compatible with any WordPress site, serves as a potent tool for enhancing SEO rankings.

I designed this directory to integrate seamlessly with any WordPress environment, ensuring that it can be easily adopted by various websites looking to boost their SEO presence. Through the use of advanced plugins and comprehensive data integration, the directory not only includes a vast array of record stores but also enhances user engagement and site visibility.

The directory’s development involved the strategic aggregation of data from multiple sources, ensuring comprehensive coverage and accuracy. This allows users to find any record store across the globe easily, making it an invaluable resource for vinyl enthusiasts and collectors.

Furthermore, this project underscores my commitment to creating high-value digital tools that support business objectives, such as improved SEO performance. The global record store directory not only serves as a practical tool for users but also contributes significantly to enhancing the digital footprint of the hosting WordPress sites.

Overall, this directory exemplifies my expertise in creating specialized, SEO-friendly content and tools that cater to specific community needs while also supporting broader business goals.

Visual Studio Support, Consultations

I have been at the forefront of offering personalized assistance and consultations for individuals seeking guidance with Visual Studio 2022, Microsoft .NET MAUI, Xamarin, and associated technologies.

In my role as a technology consultant, I specialize in providing expert advice and tailored support for Visual Studio 2022, Microsoft .NET MAUI, and Xamarin. This includes helping clients navigate the complexities of these platforms to maximize their software development efforts.

My consultations often involve detailed discussions on best practices, troubleshooting, and effective use of the latest features in Visual Studio 2022 and Xamarin. I strive to ensure that clients can fully leverage these technologies to achieve their project goals.

Furthermore, my expertise extends to integrating and optimizing these technologies within diverse development environments, enhancing both efficiency and productivity for my clients’ projects.

Overall, my commitment to delivering personalized tech consultations has established me as a trusted advisor in the field, particularly for those looking to enhance their capabilities with cutting-edge development tools like Visual Studio 2022 and Microsoft .NET MAUI.

man in blue shirt standing on brown field during sunset
three person pointing the silver laptop computer

Licenses and Certifications

Pennsylvania Notary Public

I am an appointed notary for the state of Pennsylvania, with a license valid from October 2023 to October 2027. This role allows me to serve as an official witness for the execution of important documents, ensuring their legal validity.

As a notary, I adhere strictly to the regulatory requirements set by the state of Pennsylvania, providing reliable and trustworthy service. My certification empowers me to facilitate a range of transactions, from real estate deals to the signing of vital legal documents.

The responsibility entrusted to me in this role involves upholding the integrity of the notarial process, safeguarding against fraud, and ensuring that all parties understand the documents they are signing. This position requires meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of legal procedures and documentation.

My tenure as a notary is a testament to my commitment to the community and my capability in handling sensitive and significant legal matters. This role underscores my dedication to providing essential services that contribute to the smooth functioning of legal and financial systems within Pennsylvania.

Overall, my position as a notary public is integral to my professional identity, reflecting my expertise and reliability in facilitating crucial legal processes.

Amateur Radio Extra Class (FCC)

I hold an FCC License for Amateur Radio Extra, valid from October 2011 to October 2031. This certification underscores my expertise and commitment to the amateur radio community, enabling me to operate on all bands and modes of communication authorized for amateurs.

Achieving the Amateur Radio Extra license, the highest level of certification offered by the FCC, required a deep understanding of radio theory, electronics, and regulations. This accomplishment not only allows for advanced operational capabilities but also demonstrates my technical proficiency and dedication to continuous learning in the field of radio communications.

As an Amateur Radio Extra licensee, I actively participate in various aspects of amateur radio, including emergency communications, community service, and global communication experiments. My involvement helps in promoting technological literacy, enhancing emergency preparedness, and fostering international goodwill.

This license is a testament to my technical skills and my active participation in the amateur radio community over a two-decade span. It reflects my long-term commitment to leveraging technology to enhance communication and contribute to community service and emergency response efforts.

Overall, holding this license is not only a personal achievement but also a means of contributing to a larger community that relies on skilled operators to maintain and advance radio communication networks globally.

fountain pen on spiral book

Volunteer Work Honors & Awards

President's Award 2013

In 2013, I was honored with the ‘President’s Award’ by the RF Hill Amateur Radio Club – W3AI. Club President John Morrell (KB3EWV) presented this award to me in recognition of my dedication and contributions to the club throughout the year. My initiatives included spearheading the development of a revamped website and establishing a strong social media presence. Additionally, I designed fresh logos and graphics that were integrated into club publications, letterheads, and various documents. Notably, the award itself featured the newly designed logo.

This recognition highlighted my commitment to enhancing our club’s visibility and accessibility through modern communications and branding strategies. By updating the website and boosting our online presence, I aimed to attract new members and engage current ones more effectively. The fresh visual identity I created helped unify our communications and gave the club a more contemporary and professional appearance.

Receiving the ‘President’s Award’ was a significant acknowledgment of the impact of my efforts on the club’s growth and cohesion. It affirmed the value of innovative thinking and proactive leadership in volunteer organizations. This accolade is not just a reflection of my skills in digital design and media management but also underscores my ability to contribute meaningfully to community-focused groups.

Overall, this award from the RF Hill Amateur Radio Club symbolizes my ability to blend technical expertise and creative design to significantly enhance organizational effectiveness and community engagement.

Mason of the Year

The ‘Mason of the Year’ award is a prestigious accolade bestowed upon a lodge member who exemplifies the core values of friendship, fellowship, and brotherly love, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the principles and service of freemasonry. This recognition is not just for service to one’s lodge but extends to the broader masonic community and the public at large.

Those honored with the ‘Mason of the Year’ distinction set a gold standard, serving as role models for their peers, inspiring them to make a positive impact within the community.

I’m humbled to have received this accolade from the esteemed Worshipful Master Brother Louis Kahn.

Receiving the ‘Mason of the Year’ award represents not only a personal achievement but also a call to continue fostering the values that define freemasonry. It is an honor that acknowledges significant contributions to the lodge and community, reinforcing the ideals of service and brotherhood.

As a recipient, I am inspired to uphold and propagate these values further, aiming to inspire others in my community to engage in acts of kindness, leadership, and philanthropy. This accolade is a testament to the potential impact one individual can have within both their immediate and extended communities.