Christopher Zenzel


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Using System.Linq to Convert a String to an Integer with Formatting

two women sitting beside table and talking

In C#, using the System.Linq namespace can be a helpful way to work with data, including strings and collections. If you have a string that includes numbers but is formatted with non-numeric characters (like spaces, commas, or other symbols) and you want to convert this string to an integer, you can efficiently filter out the non-numeric characters using LINQ before converting the string to an integer.

Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Filter out non-numeric characters: You can use LINQ to filter out any character that is not a digit.
  2. Convert the resulting string to an integer: Once you have a string consisting only of numeric characters, you can convert it to an integer using int.Parse or Convert.ToInt32.

Here’s a step-by-step example in C#:

using System;
using System.Linq;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        string formattedString = "1,234";

        // Using LINQ to remove non-digit characters from the string
        string numericString = new string(formattedString.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray());

        // Converting the filtered string to an integer
        int number = int.Parse(numericString);



  • formattedString.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray(): This line filters out all characters from formattedString that are not digits. char.IsDigit checks if a character is a digit; Where is a LINQ method that filters based on the specified predicate.
  • new string(...): Converts the character array back into a string.
  • int.Parse(numericString): Converts the numeric string to an integer.

This method will work well for converting strings like “1,234”, “$1234”, or “1234px” into the integer 1234. However, it’s essential to consider error handling for cases where the resulting string might be empty or contain non-numeric characters that were not anticipated, or where the string represents a number larger than int.MaxValue or smaller than int.MinValue.