Christopher Zenzel


Table of Contents


RESTful and Open API Common Questions

two women sitting beside table and talking

What are Common RESTful Commands and their Meanings

RESTful APIs use a set of methods, often referred to as HTTP verbs, that correspond to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. These methods are universally recognized by systems that utilize the HTTP protocol and offer a way to interact with resources by specifying the type of action the request intends to perform. Here’s a breakdown of the most commonly used HTTP methods in RESTful APIs and what they typically mean:

1. GET


  • The GET method is used to retrieve information from the given server using a given URI. Requests using GET should only retrieve data and should have no other effect on the data.

Example Usage:

  • Fetching a user profile from a database.
  • Requesting the current state of a webpage.



  • POST is used to send data to a server to create or update a resource. The data sent to the server with POST is stored in the request body of the HTTP request.

Example Usage:

  • Creating a new user account with username and password.
  • Submitting a form.

3. PUT


  • PUT is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource. The difference between POST and PUT is that PUT requests are idempotent. That is, calling the same PUT request multiple times will always produce the same result. In contrast, calling a POST request repeatedly may have side effects, like creating the same resource multiple times.

Example Usage:

  • Updating a user’s information such as their email or password.
  • Replacing the contents of a file with updated content.



  • DELETE is used to delete a resource identified by a URI.

Example Usage:

  • Removing a user from a database.
  • Deleting a file from a file system on the server.



  • PATCH is used for making partial changes to an existing resource. Unlike PUT, PATCH applies a partial update to the resource.

Example Usage:

  • Updating part of a resource, such as changing a user’s username without affecting other attributes like email or password.



  • HEAD method is almost identical to GET, but without the response body. It is used to retrieve the headers for a specific resource. This can be useful to check what media types the server supports or to check caching headers.

Example Usage:

  • Checking if a resource is available before making a GET request to fetch it.
  • Retrieving the last modified date of a resource.



  • OPTIONS method is used to describe the communication options for the target resource. This method allows the client to determine which HTTP methods are available on a particular URL.

Example Usage:

  • Determining which operations a server supports before sending actual data requests.
  • CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) pre-flight requests to check for allowed methods.

Importance of Understanding RESTful Methods

Understanding these methods and their correct use is essential for developing APIs that are not only functional but also adhere to the standards and practices expected in modern web development. Proper implementation of these HTTP methods ensures greater maintainability, scalability, and performance of web applications and services. Each method plays a crucial role in resource manipulation and should be chosen carefully based on the action intended by the client request to the server.

What is OpenAPI and Swagger

OpenAPI, formerly known as Swagger, is a specification for building APIs that allows developers to define the entire interface of their RESTful APIs in a standardized format. This specification is designed to be both human-readable and machine-readable, which facilitates clear communication about the API’s capabilities between frontend and backend teams, as well as between different systems.

Key Features of OpenAPI:

  • Standardized Documentation: OpenAPI allows for the creation of comprehensive API documentation that includes every potential API operation, including paths, HTTP methods, parameters, request bodies, and possible responses. This documentation can be automatically generated and updated, ensuring consistency and reducing the risk of outdated or inaccurate documentation.
  • Code Generation: One of the significant advantages of OpenAPI is the ability to generate code automatically. There are tools available that can generate client libraries, server stubs, API documentation, and other essential code pieces for various programming languages based on the OpenAPI definitions.
  • API Testing and Tools: OpenAPI specifications can be used to create automated tests for the API endpoints. Tools like Swagger UI provide a web-based user interface that allows developers and non-developers to visualize and interact with the API using the OpenAPI documentation. This can be crucial for manual testing and understanding how the API works without writing any code.
  • API Design and Mocking: Before even starting the implementation, teams can design and discuss the API interface using the OpenAPI specification. Tools can simulate (mock) the API behavior based on its OpenAPI description, allowing frontend developers to begin their work even before the backend is implemented.

Components of an OpenAPI Specification:

  • OpenAPI Object: The root document object of the OpenAPI document.
  • Info Object: Provides metadata about the API such as version, title, and description.
  • Paths Object: Describes the available paths (endpoints) and operations on these paths.
  • Components Object: Allows for definitions of various schemas, parameters, security mechanisms, responses, and other elements to be reused across the API.
  • Security Object: Defines authentication methods and applies them to the whole API or individual operations.
  • Servers Object: Specifies the API server URLs that can host the API, allowing the API to be accessible in different environments (e.g., development, staging, production).

Advantages of Using OpenAPI:

  • Interoperability: The standard allows different software and systems to understand and interact with each other without extensive custom integration work.
  • Adaptability: Supports forward and backward compatibility, providing flexibility in evolving API designs without breaking existing implementations.
  • Collaboration: Facilitates better communication across teams and even across companies, simplifying API integration and usage.


OpenAPI is an essential tool in modern API development, offering a robust solution for designing, developing, documenting, and consuming web APIs. Its comprehensive nature improves workflow efficiency and reduces the potential for errors, making it an invaluable resource for developers working in interconnected systems and services.