Christopher Zenzel


Table of Contents


Status of Strike Genius for Apple Devices

white and red wooden toy

Hello everyone,

Strike Genius, an application to help aid with improving bowling scores, has been rejected by Apple due to an issue with using your own GPT account versus In-App Purchases. Apple is notorious for this practice and I am currently working on a solution to the problem.

Right now I am working with online documentation to shift anything with ChatGPT to a custom trained model with TensorFlow from Google. I expect this to delay the release of Strike Genius for the general public for at least two to three weeks.

Strike Genius needs to have its model fully trained before any type of release occurs and this will take some time as I will need to go to bowling allies to train it in addition to hiring possible outside contractors to do the same with their own phones and/or devices.

Now I am sure I will be asked if I will be distributing the bowling model for AI – the quick and short answer is a NO. Just like the GPT 4 model it will be closed source at this point.

I appreciate your continued patience in the mater.


Chris Zenzel